Author Archives: jeanne


Been there, done that. Touring Memphis marks my finishing working through Frommer’s U. S. A. guide book, which I bought in 1995 (the year that edition was published). Visiting Sun Studio*, where greats like Elvis Presley recorded their first songs, was inspiring. The microphone pictured is the original from Sun Studio and was held by the greats—including me.
I also visited W. C. Handy’s (“father of the blues”) house/museum, cruised the Mississippi river, walked along Beale Street, and stood at the gates of Graceland.
[*Sun Studio, which includes the radio station that was the first to play Elvis Presley songs, was inspiring toward the humorous radio show I’m creating. The development is coming along well. I’m still looking for a co-host and a home (radio station).]

Nashville, Tennessee

When I was walking around Andrew Jackson’s The Hermitage, a two-horse-drawn wagon full of tourists rolled alongside me, and the guide said to me, “Check out the natural spring just ahead.” I said, “I’m not the ghost of one of the slaves.” No one laughed. I didn’t hear crickets; I heard mating cicadas.
Watching a show at the Grand Ole Opry was a lot of fun and nostalgic. When I was a child, I enjoyed watching Hee Haw. Though country music didn’t grow on me until the songs became “traditional” country, I enjoyed Hee Haw’s sketch comedy.

American Samoa, a US National Park

When I was in line at the ticket counter for my flight from Honolulu to Pago Pago, American Samoa, I found that I was the only Haole a.k.a. White Girl. All of the other passengers were Samoan and they were huge. Let’s just say that they looked like they were in line for the NFL draft—even the men. Being the only haole, I realized that mainlanders either have never heard of Samoa or they are too scared to visit. When my turn came to check in, the ticket agent told me that I couldn’t board the plane. “You’re underweight.” I said, “I’m an exercise physiologist on a mission.” She gave me a boarding pass.
When I went through customs at Pago Pago Airport, the agent asked the reason for my trip. I said, “It was a dare.”
I hiked on the north side of the island, straight up the thick rain forest to the ridge. It was so humid I could smell photosynthesis. What does photosynthesis smell like? Damp green, a new shade I invented. On the trail I brought plenty of water and, in case I became lost, agent orange.

32nd Anniversary celebrated in Purgatory

Happy Anniversary to me and welcome to Purgatory . . . Resort. If I knew that Purgatory were a beautiful place to absolve my work sins, then I would have been a health & fitness quack. Instead, I’m celebrating 32 years of sainthood and a lifetime of exploring the globe.
I went on a two-hour tour with Snowmobile Adventures at Purgatory Resort. Four guests on 3 snowmobiles followed Ben aka Bella, a wise-cracking mountain goat. When I walked up to check in he said, “The hot air balloon ride was cancelled. Not enough wind.” I said, “Good. I was too scared anyway,” and walked away. He said, “Wait! Where are you going?” I turned back and laughed. I’m not an amateur at improv, ya’ know.
We rode 20-30 miles on freshly groomed—by us—fresh pow pow in the San Juan Mountains just north of Durango, Colorado. Up at 12,000 feet, 3,000 from where we started, I looked up at the sky and allowed the snow to speckle my face and I said three Hail Marys—just in case.

Sedona & Grand Canyon, Arizona

After moving here, I saved the best Arizona to-do list for last—exploring the Sedona trails. I thought that the best place to start would be Devil’s Bridge (first two pictures), in case I didn’t survive it. I was brave enough to walk to its “keystone,” but not brave enough to be in a hairy situation with a lot of people around, which I consider a recipe for my being collateral damage of someone doing something stupid. So, I didn’t walk out. I can say that Serial Good Samaritan was in the right place at the right time, again. A woman took a nose dive on the trail right before I came upon her. I sat with her and treated her injuries.
I skated along the south rim of the Grand Canyon for my first time. It’s exhilarating to combine passions into one moment. In this case: traveling, photography, roller skating. I wore a life jacket just in case I skated off the edge and rolled all of the way to the Colorado River.

“American Covenant Revival”

In 2014 I helped a client publish his book called American Covenant Revival. In the copyright section of his book it states:
All parts of this compilation SHOULD BE reproduced in any effective form as a catalyst to inspire movement for national reawakening of the fundamental principles of the United States of America, to achieve Revitalization, Reformation, Transformation, and an economic True Fair Deal for the General Welfare.
Considering the nonsense happening in America, this book is more relevant than ever. You decide for yourself. My client and I printed many copies that were to be distributed for free. I haven’t spoken to my client since the project ended and I can’t reach him or a family member. He was old when we worked together, so he may not be living still. The point is that he would definitely be happy that I am sharing his work and encouraging you to read it. I hope you like it and benefit from it. As it is implied above, please feel free to forward the document to others.