PLANTS & CRITTERS 27 images #8 Miniature Waterfall, 1 of 1 #66 Fireweed, 1 of 100 #197 Bee-havin’, open ed. #112 Audobon Park, 1 of 100 #116 Iris, 1 of 100 #119 Spring Cactus-1, open ed. #120 Spring Cactus-2, 1 of 100 #147 Sunflower, open ed. #151 Azalea, 1 of 100 #154 Dahlia, 1 of 100 #155 Done Eating, open ed. #157 Morro Flowers, open ed. #161 Wild Berries, open ed. #162 Pelicans, 1 of 100 #166 Bird Eggs, 1 of 100 #178 Monk Seal, open ed. #23: Ranunculus, open ed. 184: Squirrel Food, open ed. #32: Winter Vines, open ed. #158 Feasting, open ed. #131 Just a Trickle, open ed. #93, North Conway, 1 of 100 #86 Pre-popcorn, 1 0f 100 #85 Hay Bales, open ed. #76 Fall Vines, open ed. #75 Harvest Sneak Peek, open ed. #48 Heliconia, open ed.